The Green City Project

In many urban cities around the world, the absence of trees deprives locals of many benefits trees and nature. The GCP aims to spread awareness of nature in urban cities by engaging the community through a multifaceted approach.


Margarita Barrios Ponce


Brand Design


Topics in Graphic Design Inquiry

The Challenge

With growing industrialization, major cities—where the majority of the population often resides—have created an environment with insufficient green space, depriving the residents of various benefits of urban nature, which include physical, psychological, ecological, and financial advantages.

The Outcome

Create a social campaign designed to increase awareness about the numerous benefits of integrating nature into urban environments. The campaign will primarily target areas characterized by towering buildings, where green spaces are scarce.

The Research

Before diving into the design aspect, firstly I needed to gain a deeper understanding of my research topic, target audience, as well as how to effectively convey my message to the audience. Thus, my research process proceeded as the following:

  1. Research various benefits of urban nature

  2. Determine, roll-out locations, demographics, and create a target persona

  3. Test messaging tone & campaign visuals

The Design

The visual aesthetics of the campaign strive to portray natural elements and environments, encouraging viewers to envision natural environments within their own neighborhoods. I’ve aimed to achieve this through simplicity and in style to evoke a friendly and welcoming tone.


Due to the nature of the campaign (pun intended), I've made digital illustrations showcasing natural environments such as forests and parks as it aligns with my objective of cultivating an approachable and friendly visual aesthetic.