10 Years of Scout

Branding Identity for the 10th year anniversary of Northeastern University’s student-run design organization.




5 months

The Challenge

To craft a vibrant and distinctive branding identity for the 10th-year celebration of Scout, a student-run design organization at Northeastern University. With over 100 members and a culture that is fun, creative, and welcoming, my task was to encapsulate these qualities in a visual language that not only honored the organization's legacy but also propelled it into a dynamic future.

The Process

The process began with a deep dive into the club's main piece, its vibrant community. Understanding the fun, creative, and exciting, energy the community brings to the people, I set out to bring these elements into every aspect of the visual identity.

Brainstorming sessions led to the selection of five main colors – blue, red, pink, yellow, and white – to create a playful and energetic feel.

Typography played a crucial role in conveying the personality of Scout. Firstly, I opted for the highly legible sans-serif font, Urbanist, with its modern aesthetic, to set the tone for the overall look. For the body copy, Gelica, a stylistic serif typeface, was chosen to bring in its own personality, adding a touch of excitement and playfulness.

The Identity

The visual style formed with overlapping vector shapes in five vibrant colors, creating a dynamic interplay that represents the diverse and collaborative nature of Scout. This not only captures the joyous spirit of the 10th-year anniversary but also the diversity and inclusion aspect of the club.